cafe fino South Africa

Do I need restaurant experience?
It does help, however if you are hard working; prepared to work very long hours and you are a peoples person. This might be for you, provided you have a strong business acumen.
Should you still be interested in joining the new and exciting coffee shop brand, please feel free to contact our Franchising team to set up a mutually convenient appointment.
Other Things I Should Know
There are 3 main criteria to be met. They are the following:
• Owner Operator
Operator of the store has to be at least a 25% shareholder in the business.
• Finance
Ensure that you have the required finance as stipulated above.
• Sites
These will be agreed upon by yourself as well as Fournews Developments.
What is Café Fino?
Café Fino is a branded coffee shop created to bring the world of coffee to life in a stylish and sophisticated yet simplistic manner. The brand was created and is owned by Fournews Developments, who in addition also own the very popular brand News Cafe®¬.
Our Philosophy
Café Fino is to provide their customers with a social yet sophisticated meeting place with professional personalized service and great meals. It is due to this philosophy why Café Fino franchisees need to be owner operators.
What are the site criteria?
Café Fino is ideally suited for shopping centres; strip malls and convenient centres with high passing foot traffic and anchor tenants focused on the AB income group consumer. Site sizes range from about 180m² – 250m². This should equate to 120 to 160 seats.
What sites are available?
Cafe Fino are currently actively looking for sites in new and existing suitable shopping centres. Should you have a particular site in mind, we will certainly review it and asses whether it meets our specific site criteria.
How much does a Café Fino cost?
The average set up cost of our turn-key operation is obviously site dependant, however ranges between R1.6 Million – R2.5 million ex VAT. This figure excludes any potential Tenant Installation (TI) allowance received from landlords. The above-mentioned figure excludes our Joining Fee, opening stock and VAT.
Cash Flow needed is as Follows:
(These figures are estimates)
R 1 500 000 (ex vat) Cost of Store
R 120 000 (ex vat) Sign Up Fee
R 50 000 (ex vat) Stock
R 200 000 VAT
R 50 000 (ex vat) Expenses before opening
R 1 920 000
R 1 000 000 of these funds must be unencumbered funds.
Unencumbered: Property that is not subject to any creditor claims or liens.
For example, if a house is owned free and clear (meaning the owner owes no mortgage to anyone), it is unencumbered. Also, if a person were to buy stocks with cash rather than on margin, it is unencumbered.
What are the Franchise and Royalty Fees?
• The upfront franchise fee for Café Fino is calculated based on the size of the store.
• Our Royalties are a total of 9% of Gross Turnover excluding VAT. The 9% is broken down into 6 % royalty fee and 3% marketing fee.
• All figures stated are excluding VAT.